Saturday, April 9, 2011

7th of April, 2011

S: Leviticus 17-18

P:  although I had NO desire to go workout and even in my 'weekly to do list' today way my 'rest day'... but since a few things happened (read cancellation of the swim meet- because of SNOW...)

troopers... setting up in the snow...

I had a little more energy than I originally expected to have and also had a lot more time than originally expected... so I went to the gym... I walked a 5k again... although there, had no mo-jo to run... but then I challenged myself (secondary to not really sweating)... to run 1 mile... no stopping... as fast as I could... so it was right at a 12 minute mile a little less actually... and got some good sweat going on... so I did around 4.3 miles today... tomorrow 5 miles is planned...

C:   such a wild weather day... as evidenced by this photo...

evil vs. good sky

yeah that its my Friday.. 3 day weekend... lets roll.
xoxo, HH

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