Thursday, January 6, 2011


S: Gen 15-17  Love the 'walk before me faithfully' (17:1)
P: Lets talk about food... if you looked in my fridge... go ahead...
 it may seem like I'm a college kid... I really had one of those moment of 'what is of substance in this place' and 'no wonder why my sisters tell me "I have no food'''... they might be correct please don't tell them... but hey I can have one heck of an impromptu party... I've got 3 types of beer (Blue Moon with oranges too, Coors light, & Bud light), a few smirnoff's in the back, a bottle of champagne (or 5), some milk (cereal- priorities), Gatorade, or water for the 'healthy' ones... then there is the ounce of juice (V8- splash!)
... and for food... hum... cheese in the drawer (4 types... colby, mild cheadar, string cheese, and gouda- didn't see that one coming did you?)... 3 half gallons of ice cream, some frozen buffalo wings, a few eggs, sour cream, and salsa, and a bag of carrots in the drawer...
so I guess a trip to the grocery store is in order to kick this college habit... but I'm sure the 4 boys next door would be happy to see the 30 pack on their doorstep...

C:  look at this awesome 'tennis bracelet' , found via sfgirlbythebay 
Also got a lot of my  December Daily done... one a few more things to finish in it... yahoo!!


  1. Holly Harris I am loving your blog! Can't wait to read all about your journey through all of this....What a great idea :)
