Friday, January 21, 2011


S: Gen 42

with whip.
 yep coffee wasn't going to happen at home today... so day-o it was... and they put whip cream on it... i have a few whip cream rules....
1. I 99% of the time don't like it.
2. Unless its the first time I try a drink at somewhere new... then its a must
3. It makes it feel fancy... so Friday you just became fancy

never thought I would miss going to the gym... but I do... and I did... I even had my gym clothes on... but they closed at 9.... dang!  I need to invest in a few workout videos for moments like this... good news is Evie & I have a gym date at 8:40 tomorrow morning for Body Pump...

C:  so one thing I love is the sky... especially on my drive home from work... especially on a Friday... I may just do a whole book on my sky shots one day... I take one almost daily...  there is just something magical in the air at that time...
the fire in Friday's sky
hope you enjoyed your sunset on another amazing day the Lord has made...

xoxo, HH

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